Specialises in:
I'm a private client solicitor who moved to the West Country after training and qualifying at a Tier 1 private client firm in London. I am a fully qualified member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners ("STEP").
Now based in the Bath area, my practice includes Wills, trusts, probate, Powers of Attorney, Deeds of Variation, and capital tax advice. I also work with contentious probate lawyers in relation to estate and trust disputes.
Available across the UK
Mark Niven
Anna Everson
Edward Osammor
We have expert solicitors ready to resolve any type of legal issue in the UK. Remove the uncertainty and hassle by letting our solicitors do the heavy lifting for you.
This profile is provided using data from our network of solicitors and public data including the Solicitors Regulation Authority to help consumers compare and get help from solicitors across the UK. Lawhive Ltd works with a network of solicitors and firms across the UK and is not a law firm.
If you wish to contact Joshua Pugsley directly you can do this through their regulated law firm, Lawhive Legal Ltd, SRA number 8003766.
Lawhive Legal Ltd is a separate company from Lawhive Ltd. Please read our Terms for more information.We pride ourselves on helping consumers and small businesses get greater access to their legal rights.
Lawhive is your gateway to affordable, fast legal help in the UK. Lawhive uses licensed solicitors you can connect with online for up to 50% of the cost of a high-street law firm.
Enquiries submitted through this website are directed to Lawhive Ltd, which is not a law firm and does not provide any legal advice. Our network of legal service providers includes our affiliate company Lawhive Legal Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (ID number: 8003766) and is a company registered in England & Wales (Company number: 14651095).
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